The eldest child is usually the one that has great leadership abilities, and they are often the most responsible in any family. That is not always the case, but when siblings come, they often fall into the role of helping the parents with the younger ones. Birth order does not always mean the oldest is going to be the most responsible, but it happens more often than not. The oldest is also the one that gets the hardest discipline, as many parents mellow a bit as each child through the birth order is born. Firstborns are often strong and passionate about their work, as that is how they were raised.
The last born, or the baby of the birth order, is often the ones that have a lot of confidence. They have this because they came last, and they got a lot of attention from both the parents and all of the siblings that came before them. They tend to be more laid back than the eldest, however, and may not go into high powered careers. They may prefer to be in artistic jobs, or ones that are to the benefit of others. Again, not always the case, but it is common with those that are last in the birth order.
When it comes to the ones in between, things get tricky. Some middle children end up feeling neglected and are often the ones that crave the most attention. That can show up in all areas of their lives when they grow up. That is not always a bad thing though. They are often more willing to work well within a group, which is just as important as the leadership skills that the oldest in the birth order may have gotten. The middle children (as with the youngest) do not have it as hard as the eldest, so they too may be a little more laid back as well.